Visualize this to manifest

A Manifestation technique, we talk about releasing resistance and setting intentions, using this visualization technique. Inspired by a session. Notes on the session are below.

Notes from the session.

(There is more to the session though, I just took notes until the manifestation technique part)

Presence of Yeshua. Receiving a blessing. A cleansing.

Establishing connection.

Light activation on a cellular level.

Arcturians called in.

Healing and activations.

Receiving light codes.

She sees speckles of golden dust.

I ask if they are light codes or light beings or something else.

Speckles you can visualize like they are cells, to deal with problems, like the activations that are going on.

You see the speckles as what shows up before you see things before things materialize.

We have everything available to us, you just have to use it.

We are surrounded by this help.

We just have to tune in.

Tune in to the soul.

She feels someone watching. Focusing on it.

They look like vibrating.

Earth is an amazing place to be, everything is unfolding, and people don’t realize it. It’s like watching a movie, watching how everything is going to unfold, because it will.

People will be asking for help. We have to be able to help them. We have to stay focused. It’s a lovely feeling, to relish. To be able to take yourself, off of all that’s going around, the fear, this can help people.

Connect to hear and vibrate these cells.

Put love into them, and blast them.

This will be coded with love, and others will receive these vibrations and sounds.

Any practitioner can do it.

Those specks of lights are light codes, and they also represent our cells.

You can vibrate, illuminate and connect, we have to connect to it with love and blast.

Connect with the heart, purity, pureness, gold.

Golden light.


I suggest we send a blast then.

She then receives light codes.

Golden light.

She sees the codes, vibrating them and sending them. She is in awe of it.

You can send this to a village or to a planet, doesn’t matter, it will be received by all. This is going to help others.

This is for us to do what we want to do.

I ask if this is something for us to share.


She received more golden light vibrating in the body. “Feels as I’m alive, very alive, golden light streaming from above.”

She received more activations and healing.

“ I can feel the vibration on my hands”

—the end of this part of the session—

~Juli , cup of cosmic

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