Quantum Healing Hypnosis Journey



Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a process where you journey into the quantum realms, travel through time and space, access higher state of consciousness, receive healing and clearing, access information that is available and is serving you for the specific moment of your life.

The journey is like a guided meditation but you get to a deeper state and you speak out loud what you are experiencing while the facilitator asks you questions and guides the journey.

In this meditative expansive state we will access relevant information for you, you might experience a glimpse of a past life, have experiences that connect you with your guides or any appropriate experience that is the most relevant for you at this time.


Benefits will be according to your own journey and what you need at the moment.

The sessions are always different for different people at different times and also the same person will reach a different level in each session.

Here are some examples of what is possible.

  • Remember scenes of the past in order to release, forgive and heal

  • Allow and receive healing on many levels

  • Receive answers to your questions

  • Receive relevant messages and tips

  • Remember more of who you are

  • Get in touch with guides, family of light, galactic family, higher self…

  • Release anything that no longer serves

  • Receive relevant activations

  • Healing, Information and Activations are continuous, they will work after the session and will take as long as necessary to complete

  • Access higher level or awareness

Note: I’ve been noticing that the Intuitive Human Design Sessions prior to QHH is tremendously helpful and I would like to suggest that, here is the link to learn more about it.


The first 30 minutes is the interview, it's a safe space to share, where we can prepare for your journey. I will ask you questions and will listen to what comes up to be shared.

We will then have a short break to prepare for the next part. (5-10min)

The second part is the journey: this takes about around 2 hours, you will be guided into a meditative state, and you will tell me what you are experiencing. It will feel like time goes by fast. It is a fun adventure.

You are always in control, at any point if for any reason you choose to come out of the meditative state, you can easily do that.


We will have access to available information for you, so it's important to have your questions ready. We will have a chat about the questions during the interview, and we might edit or add some.

The questions can be anything that you would want to know. About your job, health, relationship, dreams, patterns, fears, purpose, strange events...

Maybe you have 3 questions, or maybe you have 10, don’t worry about the number. Put them in order of what you would like to know the most.


You will receive an email with instructions and suggestions on how to prepare.


The energy exchange for the first session is $350.00

Payment methods: Paypal, Wise, or Stripe

If you have any questions, email me here

With love,
